All this fuss just to map a Samba share, SSH into the Linux build machine and perform the build (the denx cross-compiler we use is only hosted on Linux).
The nmake is a pale and withered imitation of the one true make, the GNU make.
And I am not saying it for lack of trying: nmake does not pick up environment variables correctly and it certainly does not allow me to say
Also it does not follow the respected idiom CC ?= gcc (i.e. Set the CC variable to "gcc" if it wasn't set alteady in this Makefile or the environment.)TIMESTAMP = $(shell unixdate '+%%Y-%%m-%%d_%%H.%%M.%%S')
This may seem obscure but if one wants to get TFS to get a snapshot onto uniquely named directory onto a Linux samba share then one is out of luck.
Which brings me to the need to have a CMD batch file to handle all this. The backticks implementation in CMD is heinous:
Yes, these are the wrong way to do stuff on a Win32 machine but you do what you have to do to get the job done.for /F "usebackq" %%a IN \
(`"unixdate +%%Y-%%m-%%d_%%H.%%M.%%S"`) \
do @set TIMESTAMP=%%a