While I was developing my anti-recruiter Sendmail milter I was relying on nohup(1) to collect stderr output. Each time I would change code I would re-start the milter and wipe nohup.out like so "> nohup.out".
Then I changed code to redirect stderr to "milter.err" and at every restart I would do "> milter.err". One night at midnight I did not pay attention to the BASH-completion and wiped the code itself!
Now if you delete a file on an ext2 filesystem you can recover it using some utilities. But wiping the content of the file severs the relation between the i-node and its data blocks. debugfs ain't no help.
Moral: I had to "dd if=/dev/hda1 of=/storage/hda1.saved" and find the source code block by block by searching code patterns I remembered in hda1.saved. Trust me, file blocks are not contiguous on-disk!
I managed to piece together everything but the top of the file where the Perl use statements live. No biggie but I also skipped a small function and the code only complained at run time.
Took me three hours in the middle of the night and a huge head ache.