I have always loathed GUI apps and especially HTML webapps. And this is not for lack of trying (I once wrote an asset-tracking app using HTML 3.2 and Bash shell scripts as backend).
At my current contract I was asked to write a custom webapp for time tracking (alas nothing was available as open source which fulfilled the requirements). At my previous position I have seen my co-workers build a fairly beefy webapp as a network appliance configurator using YUI2. I tried to stay away from it as I was having more fun writing C++ backends.
Now I had to do it front and back so I wrote some Java servlets that interact with a MySQL db which a) act as XML-RPC endpoints so one can set values and b) as XML generators [SQL table format to XML/table format translators] for data presentation. I tried to keep the Java back-end as straight-thru as possible.
I managed to keep most of the business logic in SQL as materialised views. Yppie!!
I sinned a bit as I provided a thin Perl layer that sometimes takes the raw XML output from Java and spits out JavaScript or JSON. I had to as the servlets run on Jetty on localhost:8080 so there was no direct access from the browser.
I could have configured Jetty as a full web browser but it's a royal pain in the arse to do so.
For the front-end I went the full hog with YUI2! I used a bit of extra JavaScript to do the XML-RPC (and I got a buggy client implementation to contend with) and JSON bits. I also sinned a bit with JQuery.
Other than that I've done it screen by screen using YUI and DataTable (DataSource is horribly interlinked with DataTable -- for the life of me I could not beat a DataTable into being used as stand-alone; so I went JSON/JQuery). In the end I assembled the individual/standalone pages using a TabView and iframes (evil, I know).
The webapp actually looks good and is pretty snappy once the JIT compiler kicks in. For the Perl bits I configured mod_perl (with a lot of preloaded Perl modules) as I did not like the 100 ms hit I got every time I was calling a Perl cgi.
I handled a form of basic authentication using Apache's .htaccess, mod-rewrite for setting the access rights (sigh) and Perl for session handling. The browser is handled a random cookie which represents the session.
I deployed all the shebang on an OpenSuSE 11.0 VM I had lying around and it only took me a 1G .vmx file to do so.
So I am happy with the result and with the YUI2 capabilities. I even added a flourish of a YUI2/Flash chart to show availability levels. I did not have to sweat a bit on HTML and JavaScript to build up a good-looking functional GUI, it worked out of the box in Firefox and IE6 (yes I work for such a unupgradable corp) and it only took two weeks to build.
P.S. There's talk of AD authentication but that ought to be handled by an Apache module if AD has LDAP well configured.